Do Weight Loss Supplements Really Work?

Losing weight is hard, but many weight loss supplements promise to make the journey easy. Unfortunately, there's little high-quality research to...
Thursday, June 24, 2021       
MedicineNet's Weight Loss and Healthy Living Newsletter
No Good Evidence Weight Loss Supplements Work: Study

Losing weight is hard, but many weight loss supplements promise to make the journey easy. Unfortunately, there's little high-quality research to back these claims, a new study shows....
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High Protein Diets: Good or Bad?

Can a high protein diet help you lose weight fast and help you feel full? High-protein diets are popular, but is there a down side to high protein foods?
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Study Suggests COVID Vaccine Booster Shots Will Be Needed

One dose of a two-dose mRNA COVID-19 vaccine is enough to protect previously infected people, but it's likely they and everyone with two doses will still require booster shots at a later date, a...
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Too Many Older Americans Are Taking Daily Aspirin

Many older adults are still taking a daily baby aspirin to ward off first-time heart problems — despite guidelines that now discourage it, a new study finds. Researchers found that one-half to......
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Fertility Drugs Won't Raise Breast Cancer Risk

Women battling infertility are often given medications to help them conceive, and potential side effects are always a concern. Now, research suggests use of the drugs won't raise a woman's...
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Obesity in Teens Raises Adult Diabetes Risk, Even After Weight Loss

In a finding that confirms what many suspect, a new study shows that teens who are overweight or obese may be more likely to develop type 2 diabetes or have a heart attack in their 30s and 40s.
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