More Hot Flashes, More Heart Troubles

Women, if you're bothered by frequent hot flashes, it may be more than a mere annoyance.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019       
MedicineNet's Women's Health Newsletter
More Hot Flashes Could Mean Higher Odds for Heart Trouble

Women, if you're bothered by frequent hot flashes, it may be more than a mere annoyance. New research offers evidence that frequent or persistent hot flashes are linked to higher odds of heart...
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19 Habits That Cause Bad Teeth

Is chewing ice bad for your teeth? How do you avoid rotten teeth? Learn how chewing ice, eating snacks, teeth grinding and other habits can prevent you from attaining perfect teeth...
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 Diseases and Conditions
Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) Treatment, Causes, and Symptoms

Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is a group of inherited diseases characterized by skin blistering, erosion, and fragility. EB affects eight of 1 million Americans. There is no cure for EB, and the only...
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Breast Lumps in Women: Symptoms, Signs, Causes, Types, and Treatment

Breast lumps in women can have a variety of causes such as breast inflammation, infection, injuries, cancer, and non-cancerous growths. Breast lumps in women are diagnosed with...
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4 Steps to Stealth Health During a Fall Getaway

Summer is over, but it's not too late to plan a fall getaway for some R&R and sightseeing. After all, the shoulder season – those months before and after peak summer travel time – is primed for...
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Try Roasted Root Vegetables for a Tasty Fall Dinner

Want to warm up as the temperature cools down and get in more nutrients, too? Roasted vegetables are a delicious way to do both. Starchier root veggies, like carrots, parsnips and...
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Health Tip: Controllable Stroke Risk Factors

More than 750,000 people have a stroke each year in the United States, says Cleveland Clinic. But as many as half of all strokes are preventable, the clinic says. Risk factors that are under all or...
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