Online History Holds Heart Clues

Online searches about heart disease peak in the winter, a new study says.
Friday, September 07, 2018       
MedicineNet's Men's Health Newsletter
Online History Gives Clues to Heart Ills

Online searches about heart disease peak in the winter, a new study says. That's when deaths from heart disease top out, too. Heart disease is the leading cause of death...
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 Diseases and Conditions
What Is Sarcoidosis: Symptoms, Signs, Definition and Stages

Sarcoidosis, a disease resulting from chronic inflammation, causes small lumps (granulomas) to develop in a great range of body tissues and can appear in almost any...
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Over 1.4 Billion of World's Adults Face Disease Because of Inactivity, WHO Says

Couch potatoes, take note: Sedentary living has put more than one quarter of the world's adults at risk for serious disease, a new study says. More than 1.4 billion adults...
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'On-Again, Off-Again' Relationships May Be More Trouble Than They're Worth

Ross and Rachel from 'Friends' did it. So did Carrie and Mr. Big from 'Sex and the City.' But couples who break up and then make up repeatedly -- in what's known as...
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Losing Weight the Online Way

Not being able to attend face-to-face meetings doesn't mean you can't get the benefits of joining an organized diet group. All you need is an internet connection. Online...
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Security Scanners Safe for Patients With Heart Devices: Study

Those full-body scanners used for security checks in airports, train stations and some public buildings are safe for people with implanted heart pacemakers and...
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