| Would someone buy shoes from a "one-size-fits-all" bin? Probably—not. Would a family look for a home that meets their needs—size, cost, location? Probably—yes. So, why should patients settle for health care designed for everyone when they can get care that's uniquely tailored for them? | | |
Hemorrhage control is the No. 1 thing you can do to save lives on the battlefield, according to Army Lt. Gen. Nadja Y. West. "Stop the bleeding as soon as you can, and stop it as much as you can," said West, who serves as surgeon general of the Army and commander of the Army Medical Command. She recently spoke to a meeting of the Defense Writer's Group. | | | |
| Hey parents! Got a striker, midfielder, defender or keeper in your family? Do you know what hand ball, offside, corner and bicycle kick mean? Do you follow developments in goal line technology? Have you been heard to shout "All ball!" or "Advantage!" at the referee? If you answered yes to any of these questions, I'm guessing you're a soccer mom or dad, or a soccer player yourself! | | |
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