Corrected Link: New Medicaid Expenditure and Enrollment Data


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Today the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released preliminary Medicaid expenditure data reported by states through the Medicaid Budget and Expenditure System (MBES). The summary level data is associated with Medicaid service expenditures reported by states on the Form CMS-64 in MBES for the period April 1, 2014 through September 30, 2014. The data includes a breakout of expenditures associated with individuals in the New Adult Group (also known as the “VIII Group”).

CMS also released a new quarterly report of Medicaid enrollment data that all states have been reporting through MBES. The enrollment information is a state-reported count of unduplicated individuals enrolled in the state’s Medicaid program at any time during each month in the quarterly reporting period. The enrollment data identifies the total number of Medicaid enrollees, and for states that have expanded Medicaid, provides specific counts for the number of individuals enrolled in the new adult eligibility group, also referred to as the “VIII Group”.

This release includes data from October 1, 2014–March 31, 2015 for the following areas for each state: Total Medicaid enrollees; Total VIII Group enrollees; Total VIII Group newly eligible enrollees; and Total VIII Group not newly eligible enrollees.

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